Court rooms are a fertile source of humour. Amidst the regular humdrum of daily court room proceedings, humour props up unexpectedly, sometimes on account of the wit of an Advocate or a Judge and sometimes on account of an innocent remark of a litigant or a witness.
'Humour in Court' is an endeavour of the Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence Committee of the High Court of Delhi to capture such moments and preserve them for posterity.
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Any litigant/Advocate desirous of getting his post published on this page is requested to send it to with the subject, 'Humour in Court'.
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Born on 24th August, 1970. Studied at St. Mary’s Presentation Convent School, Jammu. Graduated in B.Sc.(Computer Science) from Kirorimal College, University of Delhi. He acquired Degree in Law in 1994 from Law Faculty, University of Jammu and got enrolled with Bar Council of Delhi in 1995.
Practiced primarily before the Delhi High Court and also before the Supreme Court of India, District Courts of Delhi and various judicial forums in Delhi. Advised and represented clients in litigation relating to Civil, Commercial, Corporate, Criminal, Customs, Indirect taxes, Service, Banking & Finance, Land &Property, Arbitration, Indirect Taxes, GST, Intellectual Property, Constitutional, Cyber, E-Commerce, Consumer and Family Laws.
He was appointed as Central Government Standing Counsel; Senior Standing Counsel (Customs and Indirect Taxes) and Standing Counsel for Central Information Commission (CIC) for the Delhi High Court, positions he retained until he was appointed as a Judge.
Appointed as Permanent Judge of Delhi High Court on 22nd October 2018.
Justice Manoj Kumar Ohri
Justice Manoj Kumar Ohri
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Born in New Delhi in the year 1969.
Graduated in B.Sc Physics (Hons) from University of Delhi in 1990.
Post graduated in M.Sc. (Physics) from University of Delhi in 1992.
LLB from Campus Law Centre in 1995 and enrolled as an Advocate with Bar Council of Delhi in the same year.
Completed course in English and EC Commercial laws from College of law at York, UK on British Chevening scholarship.
Practiced law before Supreme Court of India, High Court of Delhi and other High Courts. Appointed as Panel Counsel and later as Senior Panel Counsel for Union of India in Delhi High Court. Appointed to represent GNCT of Delhi (Criminal) and CBI in Delhi High Court.
Designated as a Senior Advocate by the High Court of Delhi in August, 2014.
Elevated as a permanent Judge of High Court of Delhi on 20th November, 2018.
Justice Jasmeet Singh
Justice Jasmeet Singh
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Born on 26th February 1968 at Delhi. Did his schooling from St. Xavier’s School, New Delhi. He received his B.Com (Hons.) from Hindu College of Delhi University. Attended Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi and received his LL.B. in 1992, and enrolled as an Advocate with Bar Council of Delhi in the same year. Thereafter, practiced law primarily on the Civil side in Delhi High Court, the subordinate Courts and Tribunals such as Debt Recovery Tribunal, Industrial Tribunal, National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions and Delhi School Tribunal.
Appointed as Standing Counsel for Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (DSGMC) in Delhi High Court in 2013. Appointed as Central Government Standing Counsel in Delhi High Court in 2014.
Appointed as Judge of Delhi High Court on 24th February, 2021.
Justice Amit Bansal
Justice Amit Bansal
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Born on 8th February 1969 at Delhi. Did his schooling from Modern School, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. He received his B.Com (Hons.) from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. Attended Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi and received his LL.B. in the year 1993 and enrolled as an Advocate with Bar Council of Delhi in the same year. He obtained his L.L.M. degree from Northwestern University, USA in 1994.
Is a third generation lawyer after his grandfather, Late Sh.Harnam Dass, Advocate and father, Late Justice Arun Kumar, who retired as a Judge of the Supreme Court of India.
Appointed as an Additional Standing Counsel, University of Delhi in the year 2003. Appointed as Standing Counsel, CBSE in the year 2004. Appointed as Senior Standing Counsel for Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in the year 2016. Also appointed as a counsel for the High Court of Delhi in 2017. Was empanelled as an Arbitrator on the panel of Delhi International Arbitration Centre in 2018. Primary areas of practice include Arbitration Laws, Education Laws, Indirect Taxation and Commercial Laws.
Appointed as Judge of Delhi High Court on 24th February, 2021.
Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav
Justice Purushaindra Kumar Kaurav
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• Born on 04.10.1976.
• Did LL.B from N.E.S. College, Jabalpur in the year 2001.
• Enrolled as an Advocate on 31.07.2001.
• Practiced in the field of Civil, Service, Constitutional, Administrative, Educational, Arbitration, Commercial, Electricity Laws & Inter State Water Disputes etc., before the High Courts and Supreme Court.
• Appointed as Deputy Advocate General for State of M.P. in the year 2009.
• Appointed as Additional Advocate General in the year 2012.
• Appointed as Additional Advocate General in the Supreme Court in the year 2016.
• Designated as Senior Advocate on 19.05.2017.
• Appointed as Advocate General of M.P. in the year 2017 and worked as such from June, 2017 to December, 2018; and thereafter w.e.f. 26.03.2020 till the elevation as Judge, High Court of M.P.
• Discharged duties as Chairman of Special Committee of the State Bar Council of M.P., worked as Ex-officio member in the Executive Council of National Law Institute University at Bhopal.
• Appeared in numerous cases for several Central/State Public Sector undertakings, constitutional bodies and authorities.
• Appeared before the Supreme Court of India, High Court of Madhya Pradesh, High Court of Delhi and other High Courts including before National Company Law Tribunal, Appellate Tribunal of Electricity (APTEL), Central Administrative Tribunal, National Green Tribunal and other Tribunals.
• Discharged duties as Chairman/Member in various Academic Committees such as Vice Chancellor Selection Committee, Executive Council of Universities and Academic Council etc.
Elevated to the Bench of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh as Judge on 08.10.2021.
Transferred as Judge, High Court of Delhi on 02.06.2022.
Justice Neena Bansal Krishna
Justice Neena Bansal Krishna
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Justice Neena Bansal Krishna born on 18th June, 1965. Did LLB from Campus Law Centre and L.LM from Faculty of Law, Delhi University. Joined Delhi Judicial Service as Civil Judge in the year 1992 and was promoted to Delhi Higher Judicial Service in the year 2003. Held various Civil and Criminal Courts and dealt with cases of various nature including matrimonial disputes, motor accident claims, Protection of Children against Sexual Offence (POCSO), Money Laundering, Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) and Prevention of Food Adulteration Act.
Was Presenting Officer in National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), New Delhi, from 2005 to 2006.
Was appointed as First Director in the Department of Law and Justice, NCT of Delhi, for setting up Delhi Dispute Resolution Society, which was the first institution set up by any State Government for pre-litigation mediation/community mediation.
Is a Trained Mediator and Master Trainer with the Mediation & Conciliation Project Committee, Supreme Court of India, having taken her Training of Trainers from CEDR, U.K in 2007. Since then, has travelled to various States in India for imparting training in Mediation to lawyers, Judges and other sections of Society.
Held the post of Director (Academics) in Delhi Judicial Academy since February, 2017 till May, 2019. Was District & Sessions Judge, South-East District, Saket Courts, New Delhi; elevated as Permanent Judge of Delhi High Court on 28.02.2022.
Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma
Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma
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Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma joined the Delhi Judicial Service in 1992 and was promoted to Delhi Higher Judicial Service in 2003. He has also done a Course on Conflict Management from University of Oxford, London in Distance Learning Programme while working as Presenting Officer with National Human Rights Commission. During his judicial career, besides presiding over courts of various jurisdictions, he has worked as Secretary, Delhi High Court Legal Service Committee; Director (Academics) Delhi Judicial Academy; Registrar (Vigilance); Registrar General of Delhi High Court; and Principal District & Sessions Judge, New Delhi. He is a Fellow of the Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and has worked as a Mediator and Mediation Trainer with the Mediation and Conciliation Project Committee of the Supreme Court of India. He took oath as Judge, High Court of Delhi on 28th February, 2022. He has been associated with the Vulnerable Witness Deposition Complex program, drafting of the Vulnerable Witness Guidelines of the Delhi High Court and the training of the Stakeholders in the Vulnerable Witness training programs organized by the High Court since its inception in 2010.
Justice Anoop Kumar Mendiratta
Justice Anoop Kumar Mendiratta
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Born and brought up in Delhi and completed schooling from Salwan Public School, Delhi. After graduation from Delhi University, completed LLB from Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, Delhi University in 1987. Having enrolled as an Advocate in the year 1987, initially joined the chamber of late Hon’ble Mr. Justice Valmiki J. Mehta and later on associated with late Pandit Shri R.K. Sharma (Naseem Saheb) and extensively practiced in civil and criminal matters at Delhi High Court and District Courts.
Was inducted into Delhi Judicial Service in 1992 and promoted to Delhi Higher Judicial Service in 2003. Apart from presiding over courts dealing with civil and criminal jurisdictions, also held designated courts dealing extensively with matters relating to CBI, DDA, LAC, NDPS, Electricity, MACT including matrimonial disputes as Principal Judge, Family Courts. Joined as District & Sessions Judge, North-East District, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi from 30.05.2019 to 24.10.2019.
Other Key Positions :-
Appointed as Joint Secretary (Law, Justice & Legislative Affairs), Govt. of NCT of Delhi for a period of more than three years from 1999 to 2002 and again as Principal Secretary (Law, Justice & Legislative Affairs), Govt. of NCT of Delhi from November 2017 till April 2019. Also nominated as Member/Chairperson of several committees and involved in preparation of the report relating to bifurcation of Delhi into judicial Districts in the year 2000, which was finally accepted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Also looked after the charge of Delhi Dispute Resolution Society (DDRS) as Working Chairperson and conducted mediation proceedings being a trained mediator. Played an active role in drafting of several Bills, formulation of policies and rendered advice on several constitutional issues.
Became the first serving judicial officer from DHJS to be appointed as Law Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India. Handled the additional charge as Secretary, Legislative Department, Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India including Vidhi Sahitya Prakashan for a considerable period. Also appointed Member Secretary, Law Commission of India. Was a Member of the Governing Body and Executive Committees of several institutions viz. Indian Law Institute, National Judicial Academy, National Law University etc. and associated with several high powered committees. Considerably remained associated with Income Tax Appellate Tribunal as Law Secretary. Played key role in legislative drafting and formulation of several Bills and enactments including Mediation Bill 2021 as well as finalization of intricate policies by Union of India in various sectors including Petroleum, Mines, Electricity, IBC etc. During the aforesaid assignments, dealt with administrative and legal/constitutional issues and was involved in implementation and strengthening of provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, New Delhi International Arbitration Centre Act, Commercial Courts Act, Notaries Act etc. including supervision of entire litigation of Union of India.
Was Member of Committee for resolution of disputes under AMRCD mechanism and resolved several high stake matters; Member of the Committee to formulate an Action Plan for Online Dispute Resolution, Member of Review Committee under the Information Technology Act and others enactments; Involved in formulation of Bilateral Investment Treaties and coordination of International Arbitration on behalf of Union of India.
Represented before several Parliamentary Committees as well as led Delegation to attend the UK-India Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting held at London. Was associated in organizing of the 7th Meeting of Ministers of Justice of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) as well as SCO 19th Prosecutors General Conference and also represented in several conferences at National & International level.
Played a key role in launch of an online course on “Constitution of India” inaugurated by Shri Kiren Rijiju, Hon’ble Minister for Law and Justice at national level on the eve of Constitution Day in 2021, with a vision that every citizen of the country should be made aware of his fundamental duties and fundamental rights.
Was appointed a permanent Judge of the High Court of Delhi w.e.f. 28.02.2022.
Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma
Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma
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Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma graduated in B.A. (Hons.) in English Literature from Delhi University where she was adjudged the best student all-rounder of the year by Daulat Ram College. She acquired her LL.B. in the year 1991 and obtained LL.M. in 2004. She also holds a Diploma in Marketing Management, Advertising and Public Relations.
During the course of her college, she actively participated in debates and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and bagged various certificates. She was also awarded a Certificate of Merit by National Service Scheme, University of Delhi for completing two years of service as a National Service Scheme Volunteer.
Endowed with excellent academic record at all levels, she became Magistrate at the age of 24 and Sessions Judge the day she turned 35.
Justice Sharma is a trained Judicial Mediator and has successfully settled many cases through mediation. She was the Chairperson of the committee to examine the complaints of sexual harassment against women employees of Tis Hazari Court, Patiala House Court and Rohini Court at different points of time. During her service at the Delhi District Courts, she has presided over various civil and criminal courts including postings as Special Judge (CBI), Principal Judge of the Family Court, Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Mahila Court, Special Court (Sexual Offences against Women) etc.
In November 2019, she was appointed as the Principal District and Sessions Judge (North District) and later in March 2022, she took charge as the Principal District and Sessions Judge-cum-Special Judge (CBI) at Rouse Avenue Court.
She has also authored several books for the benefit of public at large. Her first book ‘Don't Break After Break-Up’ aims to help women who have chosen to remain single or who have undergone a violent break-up of a marriage or relationship. Second, ‘Beyond Baghban’, addresses the possible emotional and financial problems that senior citizens may face at the hands of their children. Her third book ‘Tumhari Sakhi’ is an attempt to create awareness amongst women about their rights and the need to speak up against the violence faced by them. She has also made an attempt at fiction with her book ‘Love Full Circle’.
Justice Sharma is a fellow of Commonwealth Judicial Education Institute, Canada.
She was elevated as a permanent Judge of the High Court of Delhi on 28.03.2022.
Justice Tara Vitasta Ganju
Justice Tara Vitasta Ganju
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Tara Vitasta Ganju, a first generation lawyer, was born in 1971 in New Delhi. She enrolled at Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi in 1989 from which she obtained her High School Certificate. She read Political Science for her Bachelor’s degree from Lady Shriram College, University of Delhi in 1992 and graduated with Honours. Ms Ganju then obtained her Bachelor of Law degree in 1995 from the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi and enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of Delhi in the same year. Ms Ganju continued her education in law in the United Kingdom receiving the British Chevening scholarship, awarded by the British High Commission (British Council), New Delhi in 1999. This allowed her to complete a course in English, and EC Commercial Law and Practice, from the College of Law at York. Ms Ganju also pursued an online Diploma in International Acquisitions and Mergers at College of Law, U.K. in 2005. In 2018, she was certified as a Mediator at Samadhan: Delhi High Court Mediation & Conciliation Centre. Thereafter, Ms. Ganju attended an advanced International Seminar on Mediating Effectively at Pepperdine Law School – Strauss Institute of Dispute Resolution, USA in June, 2018.
Ms Ganju was appointed an Executive Member of the Women in Law and Litigation (WILL) Association in 2019. She has also served on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee for Manipal Hospitals, New Delhi and Estocorp Group of Companies in New Delhi.
Before being elevated to the Bench, Ms Ganju practiced primarily before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court. She also steered cases before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and other courts in Delhi. In addition to this, she advised and undertook matters in a wide range of legal areas including property, inheritance law, civil laws, arbitration, company, criminal and intellectual property litigation under the original, appellate and writ jurisdictions of the Courts at Delhi and its neighbouring jurisdictions. Ms Ganju has also worked extensively in advising clients on a variety of legal issues concerning their business transactions, contractual matters and commercial and legal issues. She has also assisted the Delhi High Court as an Arbitrator, Mediator and Amicus Curiae in third party disputes.
Ms Ganju had been invited as a speaker at various conferences in India including the Legal India Conference 2018 on Alternate Dispute Redressal Mechanisms and Indian Oil Corporation’s Research & Development Centre in a seminar on Provision and Management of Intellectual Property Rights in the year 2007.
Tara Vitasta Ganju was appointed as a Permanent Judge of the Delhi High Court on May 18, 2022.
Justice Mini Pushkarna
Justice Mini Pushkarna
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Justice Mini Pushkarna did her schooling from Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan and was the school topper of her stream in the Class XII Board examinations. She completed her Honors in Political Science from Hindu College, Delhi University and her law degree from the Campus Law Centre, Delhi University. Before being elevated, she has had over 25 years of experience as an advocate at the Bar, during which period she has been the Standing Counsel for various bodies, including the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi Urban Slum Improvement Board, and on the panel of Services department of the Delhi Government, etc. She has had varied experience in various fields of practice at the Bar and has contested cases, including those related to tender and contract matters, arbitration, service law, suits, etc.. She was also on the panel of arbitrators with the Delhi International Arbitration Centre. In her early years of practice, she had also done matters as a lawyer with the Legal Aid and Advice Board and been a Reporter for many years with the Supreme Court Reports (SCR), which is the official journal of the Supreme Court of India.
Justice Vikas Mahajan
Justice Vikas Mahajan
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Born at Gurdaspur, Punjab on 08th August 1969. Passed his secondary school examination from DAV School, Sector-8, Chandigarh. Graduated in B.Com (Hons.) from G.G.D.S.D. College, Chandigarh in 1989. Thereafter, he received his Bachelor's Degree in law from Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hill, Shimla in 1992.
Enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi in 1992 and practised before the Supreme Court of India, the High Court of Delhi, and other fora and has conducted cases related to Civil Law, Criminal Law, Service Law, Labour Law, Arbitration, Administrative Law, etc.
He was appointed as a Central Government Standing Counsel in July 2014 and continued till his designation as a Senior Advocate by the High Court of Delhi in March 2021. Served as the Additional Advocate General for the State of Himachal Pradesh in the Supreme Court of India from May 2018; appointed by the State of Haryana to appear as a Senior Advocate for conducting its cases in the Supreme Court of India, and continued in these positions till his elevation.
Appointed as a Permanent Judge of the High Court of Delhi on 18th May 2022.